
Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Massachusetts



The Integrative Therapies team at Children's Hospital Boston reports it is offering Reiki as one of its complementary therapies. The hospital team says that The feedback from patients and their families has been extremely positive, and that patient demand, nursing observation and MD observation has encouraged and promoted the growth of Children's Hospital Boston's Reiki program.


It is also reported that the hospital has even published a children's book as an aid aimed specifically at introducing Reiki to children, and that Reiki is also available to parents so they can experience what their children experience.


In terms of research into Reiki therapy, the hospital reports that “We have completed some Evidence–Based Practice exercises, linking Reiki's use with decreased levels of pain, anxiety, and nausea, etc.”, with the conclusion being that “We are very pleased with our progress and we [are] always trying to increase the availability of Reiki for our patients”.

在靈氣療法的研究中,醫院報告指出,"我們已完成一些證據 — 基於不斷練習靈氣,靈氣可讓痛苦,焦慮,和噁心等症狀下降許多",結論"我們都很滿意我們的進步,並且我們總是試圖增加靈氣來幫助我們的病人"。



Other Hospitals offering Reiki


There are many more hospitals and clinics registered with Reiki in Hospitals, but there is one more I would like to include in this round–up simply because it is located close to where Yadira practices Reiki in Southern California.


有許多的醫院和診所登記成為靈氣醫院,但還有一件我想要包括在這一個報告中— 它位於南加州。
Citrus Valley Medical Center Cancer Resource Center, Covina, California
The Cancer Resource Center at Citrus Valley Medical Center first registered its Reiki program in 2006, and continues to list Reiki Energy Therapy as a support service to help with the effects of Cancer treatment.
加州醫學中心癌症資源中心首次在 2006 年,將靈氣治療登記為能量療法清單中的一種,並用來支援服務癌症治療的療效。
According to the medical center, the grant–funded program has been a great success with patients reporting “a marked decrease in levels of fear, insomnia, anxiety and pain.”

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