New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center Campus, New York
New York–Presbyterian hospital ranked sixth–best in the U.S. Reiki therapy is offered.
全美排名第六佳的醫療機構- 紐約長老會醫院,提供靈氣治療。
According to Wikipedia, the U.S. News and World Report rankings placed the New York–Presbyterian Hospital as the sixth–best hospital in the United States in 2007.
The Columbia Integrative Medicine Program (CIMP) of the New York–Presbyterian Hospital
is reported to provide “integrative [i.e. complementary] services, such as mind–body
techniques,somatic therapies, Reiki, and more, topatients who have been admitted to Columbia
University Medical Center for cardiothoracic surgery”with one of its goals being to research
the effectiveness of complementary therapies when treating cardiovascular disease.
The CIMP is located at the Department of Surgeryat Columbia University.
據報導,哥倫比亞綜合醫學計畫 (CIMP) 的紐約-長老會醫院提供"綜合(另類療法)服務,例如心靈 — 身體技術、 體細胞療法、 靈氣,或更多的療法,針對那些進入哥倫比亞大學醫療中心胸外科的病人",它正在研究輔助療法的療效,目標之一為治療心血管疾病。CIMP位於哥倫比亞大學外科部。
A spokesperson for CIMP is quoted as saying “I find the practice of Reiki very rewarding, as a practitioner. Patients have reported deep relaxation and a sense of profound healing, after one session. I feel that Reiki is a huge asset for any hospital setting, because patients sense that they are in a truly caring environment.”
Yale–New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut
耶魯大學附設New Haven醫院 康乃狄克州
耶魯大學附設New Havan醫院提供靈氣治療。
Yale–New Haven Hospital (YNHH) is affiliated with the Yale University Schools of Medicine and Nursing, and was founded in 1826. It is the second largest employer in New Haven, Connecticut.
耶魯大學的New Haven Hospital(YNHH) 裡附設醫學系和護理系,為耶魯大學學校附屬學校,建於 1826 年。它是在康乃狄克州的第二大雇主。
The hospital reports that “When Complementary care is practiced in combination with traditional medicine, the two disciplines complement each other and together they provide optimal health care”, and that “Reiki is a complementary therapy that has been practiced at YNHH since 2002”. Furthermore, the conclusion is that “Practitioners and patients who use Reiki therapy at YNHH attest to its ability to promote relaxation, ease pain and pave the way for healing.”
New Haven醫院表示"另類療法的護理練習與傳統醫學相結合,兩個學科能相互互補,並一起提供最佳醫療保健","靈氣是在 YNHH 自 2002 年以來一直實行的一種輔助療法"。此外,結論是,"醫生和患者使用靈氣療法在 YNHH 證明了它的可以用來促進放鬆,減輕疼痛,並促進疾病痊癒。
Sharp Memorial Hospital Inpatient Cancer Support Services, San Diego, California
夏普紀念醫院是夏普健康照護中心的一部分,並不是一般營利性的醫療系統,2008 年 1 月它成為第二個鋒利醫院,為擁有護理卓越的美國護士認證中心的磁吸醫院。
The hospital reports that their Inpatient Cancer Support Services department is offering Reiki therapy to oncology patients. According to the Hospital, the Reiki program began 12 years ago when an oncology social worker by the name of Laurel Barile was diagnosed with stage 4 head and neck cancer. The hospital says that Laurel recovered from her condition after being referred to a Reiki practitioner, and that the Reiki practitioners who treated her went on to start the hospital's Reiki program.
醫院表示,對於癌症住院病人,有支援服務部門專門提供靈氣治療腫瘤患者。靈氣醫療計畫開始於 12 年前,當癌症社會工作者的Laurel Barile被診斷出第四期的頭頸部癌症。醫院說,Laurel Barile與靈氣治療師合作後,她的病情恢復,靈氣治療師也為她啟動靈氣治療計畫。