REIKI & BREAST CANCER by Roven 取自 behappy
In another situation, a woman we’ll call Nancy had to have one of her breasts removed due to the size of the cancer therein. In her case, she decided to have a double mastectomy in order to avoid another surgery later on. Dr. Feldman wanted her to have Reiki during surgery, but because her insurance company refused to pay one of her very expensive bills, she didn’t have the money. In her case, her family paid my fees. Nancy had a wonderful support system—her husband and mother came to the hospital with her, and they were so glad that Nancy had me with her through her ordeal. In her case, she had a numbing procedure done just before the actual bi-lateral mastectomy; ports of local anesthetics were inserted into her back so that her pain would be lessened in her recovery after the surgery. This, too, is a painful procedure, and Reiki helps tremendously to withstand it. These decisions and these surgeries are all very scary stuff for a woman to deal with! But the one constant I notice is that when Reiki is being offered, women feel empowered. They know that there is someone present who is concentrating on one thing and one thing only: to flood them with life force at a time when they are most vulnerable. It is comforting for them to know that when they are under anesthesia, someone is there filling them up with the loving power that heals, which is what I know Reiki to be: Love that heals, plain and simple. How can we measure the effects of Love? How can we know the ways in which it is keeping these women safe? We can only observe and acknowledge the comfort that Reiki brings.
在另一種情況中,我們打電話給一名女性南茜,她患有乳癌不得不切除雙側乳房。而她決定做雙乳房切除術,以避免之後還要再做一次手術。費爾德曼醫師想讓她在手術中使用靈氣,但因為她的保險公司拒絕支付她非常昂貴的療程,她沒有足夠的錢。在她的案件,她的家人支付我的費用。南茜有一個很棒的的支持系統 —她的丈夫和母親來到醫院陪她,他們都很高興,南茜能和我一起合作通過嚴酷的考驗。在她的案例中,只有在實際進行雙側乳房切除術時她沒有知覺;當局部麻醉劑經由導管進入她的背時,也減少她在術後的痛苦。這也是一個痛苦的過程,靈氣能提供極大的協助幫助患者承受它。做這些決定和這些手術對一個女人來說,所有的過程都是很可怕的!但我注意到當我為她們提供靈氣時,婦女會感到自己更能夠面對這些事。他們知道是目前要專注的只有一件事:當他們在最脆弱的時候,靈氣提供給予她們充滿生命的力量,是一種安慰。她們知道,在他們麻醉的時候,有人送給她充滿愛的力量來療癒她,這是我所知道的靈氣:用愛來治癒,平實而簡單。我們如何可以衡量愛的影響?我們怎麼可以知道,它如何保持這些婦女的安全感?我們只能觀察和承認靈氣帶來的舒適。
Cancer in a woman affects her entire family, and in most cases a large community of friends. To know that a Reiki Master is present in the OR is always a grace for those who love the woman whose life is on an operating table, out of their sight. Her family and friends know that she is not alone in that scary place. To realize that her life itself is being cared for and nurtured by the power of Reiki is a level of “good” for the family that is likewise immeasurable. I’ve received letters from clients afterward, telling me how much they and their families love me, which for me, is the greatest honor and the most rewarding part.
And now here’s something really special I wish to share with you: I was just on a case a few days ago and met Dr. Feldman at 6:30 am in his office to get my scrubs. All the hallways in that part of the hospital were dark—he was the only one already at work. As he fished the scrubs out of the darkened hall closet, I mentioned that I had been wondering about something: “Dr. Feldman, I’ve been curious to know, do you feel the Reiki during surgery? Do you notice a difference when Reiki is in the operating room?” “Oh yes, Raven, I do. I think the whole surgery team feels it, even though they probably don’t realize what it is,” and with that he turned back down the hall to his office, to his endless paperwork and countless e-mails, while I raced back to pre-op to give Reiki to his patient while she awaited her 7:30 am appointment with him in the OR.
現在我有些真的很特別的事情想與你分享:幾天前我去看一個病患,在早上6:30遇到了費爾德曼醫師在他的辦公室去拿我的工作服。那時醫院的走廊裡一片漆黑 — 他是唯一一個已經在工作的人。當他刷手完走出陰暗的走廊小房間時,我提到:"費爾德曼醫師,我一直好奇地想知道,你感覺靈氣在手術過程中有幫助到什麼嗎?你注意到當靈氣被施做時是在手術室,這有什麼差異嗎?""哦,Raven,我的確有感覺到。我覺得整個手術團隊能感覺到,儘管他們可能沒有意識到它是什麼",我與他轉身至大廳來到他的辦公室,一樣是無休止的文書工作和無數的電子郵件,我趕回開刀房在手術前傳送靈氣給他的病人,她熱切期待早上7:30時和費爾德曼醫師在手術室的約會。
There aren’t words enough to express how grateful I am to Dr. Feldman for giving me the opportunity to bring Reiki to women who have their backs up against the wall of breast cancer. Not only does it contribute to their healing, but Reiki also soothes them, brings them confidence in the outcome, allows them to “believe” that all will be well; and because Dr. Feldman has recommended it, his patients see him in a light bordering on the divine. He is also making it possible for other doctors in other fields of medicine to encounter and consider Reiki—like the plastic surgeons who come in right after a mastectomy and the ever-changing teams of anesthesiologists and the OR nurses—it’s just so wonderful that Reiki is spreading into their hearts and minds. I wonder if Dr. Feldman knows how lucky the women and their families consider themselves to be to have a brilliant doctor giving the best, most excellent surgery available on planet earth, while allowing the comfort and loving power of Reiki to be part of their treatment. I suspect he might...
完全沒有任何的言語來表達我是多麼感激到爾德曼醫師給我機會,為那些走投無路的乳腺癌女性傳送靈氣。靈氣不僅僅幫助他們痊癒,也撫慰她們的心靈,帶給他們信心的結果,使他們"相信"這一切都會是好的;也因為費爾德曼博醫師的建議,他的病人看見他帶來近乎神聖的光。他也正為之後可能遇到其他醫學領域的醫師來為她們推廣靈氣—就像是做乳房切除術時,為麻醉醫師和或者團隊的整形外科醫生護士帶來改變 — 這真的是太美好了,靈氣蔓延到他們的心靈和思想。我想知道費爾德曼醫師是否了解,這些女性和他們的家人為自己能夠有這樣優秀醫生能給出在行星地球上可用且最好、最頂尖的外科手術而感到多麼的幸運,在此同時還能獲得靈氣的安慰和愛的療癒,進而成為他們治療的一部分。我懷疑他可能...