
這篇文章在2013年被發表在lehighvalleylive 中,用治療師的角度去描寫自己一路以來使用靈氣發生過的奇蹟,感性又不失科學。身心靈的全面平衡,是從事多年護理工作的我,所追求的美好願景。

Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, brings relief to patients in  region (2013.3.24)


Jill Rehrig takes a hands-on approach to healing.


In her career as a physical therapy assistant and massage therapist, she sees people living with life-changing chronic pain. She helps them manage the pain through treatments such as reiki, the Japanese healing technique that is gaining in popularity because of its touted benefits of reducing pain, stress and anxiety, all through the power of touch.


“I had a patient who had been in an accident, and her pain level was at a constant 8 out of 10,” says Rehrig, an instructor of reiki at Northampton Community College as well as owner of New Beginnings Medical Massage in Monroe County. “After performing reiki on her, I was able to help reduce her pain level to a 3 out of 10 without any other changes to her life.”


Reiki is said to incorporate a universal energy that surrounds everyone. In China, that energy is called chi and in Navajo, it is nilch'l. Reiki taps into the universal life energy around the body, Rehrig says, and accesses that energy to help heal the body.



Practitioners access the universal energy by lightly touching patients with their fingers and palms. It is usually performed while the patient is lying down, but it can also be performed while the patient is seated or standing. The main goal is to have the patient relax, Rehrig said.



The process of placing the hands relies on the intuition of the practitioner, who follows seven general areas in the beginning but allows the body of the patient to guide the hands to the area that needs the most focus.



“The body has jug handles like on a highway where congestion like stress and anxiety builds up over time that impede the flow of energy. By focusing on these areas, it helps clean up that congestion,” Rehrig says.


Karen Huslik, a retired nurse and volunteer reiki practitioner with Hunterdon Medical Center, also emphasizes the flow of energy in reiki.

Karen Huslik,一位已退休的護理人員和靈氣治療師在亨特登醫學中心,也強調靈氣能量流動的重要性。

“It’s like water flowing down a river. Energy goes through me to the patient for healing,” Huslik says.


Huslik says she has to keep her mind as free as possible so she can listen to where spend time with her hands. She feels where to stay and move through a light touch.


The results of the therapy vary by patient, the practitioners say. Some report a tingling sensation during the treatment while others feel heat, even when the hand is not placed on the body. Some have seen visions or reconnected with past traumas. Most people feel an overarching calm after the therapy has finished.


 “I know that I’m doing it well when I leave and the patient is asleep,” Huslik says.

當我離開時病人早已睡著時,我知道我將靈氣治療做得很好Huslik 表示。

Hunterdon Medical Center  patients about their thoughts on reiki therapy to get a better understanding of its benefits and found it helped improve stress, anxiety, pain and nausea by at least 50 percent. It helps with the effects of chemotherapy as well as the general stress of being in a hospital, Huslik says, and it can even be performed on family of patients in the hospital who are going through a stressful time.

亨特登醫療中心表示考慮使用靈氣治療的病人應該更可以瞭解它的好處,並發現它有助於降低至少50%的壓力、焦慮、 疼痛和噁心。靈氣在醫院也可以降低化療所引起的不適,Huslik 說,它甚至可以能夠讓有病人在醫院的家庭降低心中壓力,度過這一段緊繃的時間。

“There’s a part of us that isn’t addressed by Western medicine, and that’s the emotional side of us,” Huslik says. “Compassion is so rare in a hospital, but to be able to connect with one human being … is a great thing.”

西醫治療並不是我們工作的一部分,我們的工作是將感性帶到臨床上。Huslik 說。慈悲及同理在醫院是極珍貴的品質,是因為它能夠經由靈氣連結每一個人,這是個多麼棒的事情!

Both Rehrig and Huslik advocate reiki therapy as one tool in the holistic approach to medicine. It should be used in conjunction with traditional Western practices, they say. Healing is not just a science but an art, and when those two are used in the healing process, the whole person is addressed, they say.

雷格和 Huslik都主張讓靈氣作為中醫整體醫學的一個工具,也應該用於結合西方的傳統醫學,他們說。治療並不是只是一門科學,而是藝術,當中西醫結合在靈氣使用的過程,就是一種全人醫學。

“What happens when you hurt your hand? You rub it,” Huslik says. “Touch has an incredible healing power.”








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    Mica Tsai(佾姿)


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