產後的媽咪在經過生育後,體內荷爾蒙出現劇烈變化,同時面臨生命中角色的轉變,及對自己身體心像的重新適應,這時如果沒有家人的從旁支持或鼓勵,很容易因為挫折感重而導致產後憂鬱,據統計,台灣產後憂鬱的發生 比例約10%,產後四週為最高峰,等於十個媽媽就有一個患有憂鬱症,有的還可能持續到一年,照顧新生兒為母親主要的壓力源。
Benefits of Reiki for Moms with Postpartum Depression
靈氣有利於患有產後憂鬱症的媽媽 取自 IARP
Nearly every new mom feels slightly depressed or overwhelmed at some point during the first few days that follow delivery. However, some women experience a more severe form of depression, known as “postpartum depression.” Postpartum depression is a significant problem worldwide, affecting 10 to 15 percent of women around the globe. Women dealing with this condition may try to alleviate their symptoms by taking medication, getting plenty of rest and attending counseling sessions. However, research has also shown that Reiki may be beneficial to women with postpartum depression.
在生產後的頭幾天,幾乎每一個新媽媽都覺得有點鬱悶或者不知所措。然而,一些婦女經歷更嚴重的憂鬱症狀,被稱為“產後憂鬱症”。產後憂鬱症是一個全球性的重大問題,影響全球 10 %至 15 %的婦女。處理這種情況的婦女可能會嘗試透過服用藥物,休息和尋求諮詢來緩解症狀。然而,研究還表明靈氣可能有利於產後憂鬱症的婦女。
How Reiki Can Help
Reiki offers several benefits for moms suffering from postpartum depression. Some of the potential benefits of this therapy include:
Lower perceptions of stress. 壓力感較低。
People who participate in Reiki sessions often report feeling less stress. Because stress is one of the most significant factors contributing to postpartum depression in new moms, relieving stress may help to improve the symptoms of depression.
Connection with another person.
Mothers suffering from postpartum depression often feel alone, withdrawn and disconnected from the people around them. The one-on-one attention received during a Reiki session may help the mother to feel more grounded and connected to the world around her.
More autonomy.
New mothers sometimes feel as though they have lost control of their lives. Scheduling and participating in Reiki sessions lets the mother feel more proactive and autonomous, which may alleviate some of the symptoms of her condition.
A chance to relax.
Reiki sessions give new mothers a chance to relax and recharge. This can be especially beneficial to mothers who have depression accompanied by feelings of anxiety.
A better sense of balance.
Many clients who participate in regular Reiki sessions report feeling more mentally and physically balanced. This change may help mothers with postpartum depression to overcome their negative mental state.
Research studies support the efficacy of Reiki sessions for depression in general. It is likely that these benefits will translate to postpartum depression as well. Below is some information about some of the research studies that have been conducted on the effectiveness of Reiki for people with depression.
Effects of Reiki on Depression, Anxiety and Pain
In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Southern Maine, researchers evaluated the effect of Reiki treatments on measures of pain, depression and anxiety. Individuals participating in the study were divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental group that received Reiki treatments. Measures of depression, anxiety and pain improved significantly among members of the experimental treatment group.
Efficacy of Reiki at Benefiting Mood and Well Being
In this study conducted by the University of London, patients underwent two to eight weeks of 30-minute Reiki sessions. At the end of the study, researchers found that participants who were experiencing high levels of anxiety and depression experienced an overall improvement in mood.
在倫敦大學進行的這項研究中,患者經歷了兩到八週的 30 分鐘靈氣療程。研究結束時,研究人員發現,經歷高度焦慮和憂鬱症的參與者的心情得到全面改善。
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