


Seven ways Reiki helps you heal and be healthier


取自 gmnews.com

By Heidi Scanlon

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla


It is well known that Nikola Tesla’s knowledge was way ahead of his time.


Everything in the universe is energy and operates at a certain frequency or vibration — including us!


In order for a person to have good health, there needs to be a proper flow of energy within and around the body. Daily life can create blockages in the energy flow. When we get stressed out, go through traumatic experiences, repress our feelings or come from a negative perspective, our energy can be blocked. If our energy stays blocked for too long, we start to feel fatigued. Eventually illness may result. Did you know that illness can show up in the aura, the energy field around the body, up to a year or more before it affects the physical body? The importance of taking care of your energy cannot be overstated! Think about your car — if the fuel line is clogged, will your car run properly? No — it’s the same with us!

為了使人們擁有健康,在身體裡或周遭有適當的能量流動是必須的。日常生活中會使能量流動產生妨礙。當我們感覺很焦慮經歷了痛苦的經驗壓抑自己的感覺或是一個負面的想法,都會使能量阻塞。如果我們能量阻塞的太久,就會開始感到疲累。最後可能就會生病。你知道疾病會在它開始影響你的身體的一年或更久以前,就會在氣場,也就是身體周圍的能量場出現嗎? 照顧好你的能量的重要性怎麼強調也不過分!想想你的車 - 如果燃油管被堵塞,你的車還能跑嗎?不行 - 這和我們是一樣的!

Reiki is a practice which can help to balance and strengthen the energy within and around the body. Reiki is transmitted from the practitioner to the recipient through light touch, using different hand positions. Reiki can be done without touching and still be effective. Seven ways Reiki can help you be healthier are:


1.  Relieves stress — by removing energy blockages, your ability to handle stress improves. Long term stress can affect the adrenals, cause hypertension, heart and kidney problems.


2.  Supports the immune system — When the life force within us is weakened or blocked our ability to fight illness is compromised. When the life force within us is strong and flowing it is easier to maintain health

支持免疫系統 - 當我們生命的力量被削弱或阻塞時我們對抗疾病的能力會下降。當我們生命的力量是強大且流動時更容易保持健康。

3.  Improves sleep — When we are calm we are able to get a good night’s sleep. When we have proper rest, we have better focus and more energy.


4.  Positive mindset — Reiki helps you to see things in a positive light. Positive alternatives to life’s challenges are easier to see.


5.  Helps relieve pain — Hospital’s nationwide are using Reiki in conjunction with cancer care and before and after surgery. Reiki has been known to help relieve pain associated with cancer, surgery and also many unresolved pains such as back and knee pain, as well as other areas. Reiki also helps a person cope with the emotional pain/stress of fighting disease.


6.  Inner peace — Reiki helps to create a sense of well-being, inner peace and harmony.

內在平靜 - 靈氣有助於創造幸福,內心的平靜與和諧的感覺。

7.  More energy — When the energy is flowing properly in and around the body, a person has more energy.

更多能量 - 當能量適當地流進身體裡和身體周圍的話,一個人有更多的能量。

By knowing if your energy is blocked, you have a greater chance of staying healthy. I offer an energy scan with the Aura-Video station, state-of-the-art technology that reads your energy in real time. It’s non-invasive and works through bio-feedback. A person puts their hand on a sensor which reads the temperature of the skin and also the electro-dermal activity. It then generates a computerized image. This technology gives greater insight into what is going on with a person’s energy. Later it can also show the improvement.


Many people also learn Reiki, which gives them the ability to do Reiki for themselves. Learning Reiki would be beneficial for someone with a chronic illness or for stress relief. Many parents learn Reiki to help their children with ADD, ADHD and autism. Reiki is not a cure for these conditions, but allows the body to function optimally.

許多人也學靈氣,讓他們有能力為他們自己做靈氣。學習靈氣對有慢性病或想釋放壓力的人是有益處的。許多父母為了他們患有注意力不足過動症(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorderADHD)或注意力缺失症(Attention Deficit DisorderADD)或自閉症的小孩學靈氣。靈氣對於這些狀況不是解藥,但可以讓身體功能達到最佳效果。




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    Mica Tsai(佾姿)


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