



The Power of Touch: Your Fingertips Are A Healing Device


 BY JOANNE BARRY 2015.10.10   取自 queenstribune

Did you know that Reiki dates back to 1800’s and was rediscovered by a Buddhist monk called Dr. Mikao Usui.


What is Reiki?


Reiki is the spiral energy of life. It helps to connect the person with their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of ones being. Often a person is so depleted due to various traumas and Reiki helps to give internal support to assist the person in going beyond their resistance.


Below are five Reiki Treatments to help heal naturally with the Power of Touch:


Pre/Post Surgery: Administering Reiki pre/post -surgery can help the person by preparing him or her mind and body for the procedure and recovery. Reiki works with the natural healing process of the body. Reiki helps to release stress and tension, which places the body into optimal state of healing. Reiki works on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. A Reiki treatment can be done one week prior to surgery, given daily. If possible a Reiki treatment can be done during surgery and definitely after surgery. The more treatments the better.


 Stiffness and Chronic Pain: In Alternative medicine, Reiki is a healing energy that is channeled from the practitioner to the patient to enhance energy and reduce stress, pain and fatigue. A Reiki healer restores the body both physically and mentally. During a Reiki session, muscles are relaxed allowing energy to flow, which reduces physical tension and pain helping to decrease anxiety and stress which then unblocks and releases emotional pain. You may not be completely pain-free but you will feel relaxed, rejunivated and renewed and better able to manage your condition.


Grieving: Reiki allows for healing at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. For this reason Reiki can help release trapped emotions associated with grief allowing the recipient to move forward in life.


Insomnia: Studies indicate that Reiki is beneficial therapy for sleep disturbance because it decreases episodes of insomnia and improves sleep patterns. Reiki helps to calm the mind-body-spirit which helps to stabilize the nervous system without the use of medication.


inner Peace: A Reiki treatment helps to clear the energetic blocks which helps to calm the mind and focus your energy on life’s joy while reacting less on life’s stressors, resulting in achieving inner peace.



There are four ways to receive a Reiki Treatment:



Reiki Circle: A Reiki Circle or share involves a group of Reiki Practitioners administering Reiki Healing on one or more recipient. Each recipient will receive Reiki healing from each practitioner.



Private Reiki Treatment: A private session is designed to help the patient manage their mental, physical, emotional , and spiritual condition on a deeper level encouraging the patient to release anything that no longer serve their higher self. During this treatment the patient sets the tone of the session by discussing with the practitioner the specific intent of healing. Reiki healing energy has an intelligence that is beyond human consciousness and will move in the direction needed regardless of the hand position. (Reiki healing goes where healing is needed) The only factor that may limit the amount of healing energy of Reiki is the client’s willingness to let go of things that no longer serves them.


Self-Treatment: Reiki healing and love will flow without any effort. There are many basic hand placements used when giving oneself a Reiki Treatment. As a Reiki Practitioner, my favorite hand placement that I teach my clients and use personally is the “Universal Hug” before you start, rub your hands gently together, slowly separate your hands and begin to feel heat coming from one hand to the other, then close your eyes and now gently place your left palm on the middle of your chest (heart chakra), then place your right palm over your belly (solar plexus). Now begin to visualize energy flowing within your body and send Reiki healing to where healing is needed.


Spend time in Self-Treatment for as long as you like or for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes. Once you have completed your Self-Treatment, give thanks to yourself and the Reiki Healing energy.


Distance Reiki Treatment: A distance Reiki session allows the practitioner to link an object to the energy field of the recipient. I typically use their photo. I would advise the recipient to inform me of their bed time, so the recipient is open to receiving the energy. However distance Reiki can be given at any time anywhere. Prior to sending healing energy permission should be received


Reiki is a form of Energy Balancing and does not cure, it assist in helping the individual return to a state of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Be sure to consult with your physician about the benefits of natural healing with the Power of Touch and for best results consult with a Reiki Practitioner.






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    Mica Tsai(佾姿)


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