The healing benefits of Reiki
靈氣療癒的好處(2016.3.18) 取自
OB-GYN Lisa Masterson demonstrates Reiki healing, an ancient treatment that uses the channeling of energy to help remove pain and de-stress patients. Watch as she works her magic on ER physician Travis Stork.
婦產科醫師麗莎.馬斯特森示範靈氣療癒,是一種使用能量的流動來幫助患者消除疼痛和解輕壓力的古老的療法。看她如何在急診室醫師Travis Stork身上施展她的魔力。
The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means "Universal Life" and (Ki) which means "Energy". It is a form of energy work in which the therapist channels spiritual energy life force to heal and release what alignments are found in the body and spirit.
Reiki is the life-force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki is believed to have been associated with Mikao Usui who is credited with rediscovering the root system now called Reiki. His tradition and methods were passed through several grandmasters of Reiki. Today Reiki is practiced all around the world and is an accepted method of alternative healing.
During a traditional Reiki session the practitioner will first talk with the client about how the session will proceed. They will also discuss the concerns of the client and answer any questions they may have. A well balanced Reiki session will be anywhere between 60-90 minutes long. The client may choose wither they would like hands on Reiki or hoovering above Reiki. Both will give you the healing you desire.
During the session some clients may feel warm and cool spot on their body. Some clients may also experience some emotion as the practitioner works with their energy. It is important to communicate with their practitioner about the thoughts and feelings that are coming up. Most clients leave feeling more relaxed and in-tune with their mind, body and spirit.
If you are looking to learn more about Reiki and the healing benefits you can visit Resource Therapy to book your free consultation.