Reiki uses hands-on technique to promote healing
靈氣使用手部技巧來促進療癒(2010.6.28) 下
She surveyed 100 clients from October 2007 to September 2008, and of the 57 percent who completed the survey, she said 61 percent reported less pain, 76 percent lower anxiety and stress, and 63 percent less fatigue and a better quality of life.
“It’s well-documented scientifically that when our body relaxes through whatever means, it is a healing benefit and all kinds of things can happen from lessening of pain and anxiety, boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure,” Jantos said.
The medical community is growing increasingly interested in Reiki and alternative therapies, especially for pain management.
More than 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children had used an energy-healing therapy, such as Reiki, in the previous year, according to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey. Additionally, the American Hospital Association reported that Reiki was offered as a standard part of patient care in 15 percent, or more than 800, of U.S. hospitals in 2007.
Jantos has trained nursing staff at Lancaster General Hospital in Reiki for pain management and provided similar training for other area health care professionals.
Freedman offers a free mini-Reiki session every month for anyone in hospice care or receiving cancer treatment and serves on an Integrative Medicine Committee, which holds educational meetings regularly at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. It has held a fair for doctors and students to learn about alternative and complementary medicine as well.
Jantos在蘭開斯特醫院用靈氣訓練醫療團隊來做疼痛管理並提供類似訓練給其他領域的專業醫療人員。弗里曼每個月都會提供免費的迷你靈氣療程給療養院或接受癌症治療的人和在族和療法委員會服務的人,並定期在賓夕法尼亞州米爾頓S. Hershey醫療中心主持教育會議。它也舉辦一個集會來讓醫生和學生們瞭解替代和輔助醫學是什麼。
Many other prominent facilities, including New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the Cleveland Clinic, offer Reiki programs, and Dr. Oz, who practices at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, has had a Reiki practitioner present during open heart surgeries and heart transplants.
“It’s consumer driven,” Jantos said. “People want it.”
“客戶要求的” Jantos說”人們想要它’
The Catholic church is not a supporter, however. In 2009, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops declared Reiki unscientific and inappropriate to be practiced at Catholic institutions. The bishops said Reiki lacks scientific credibility, has not been accepted by the scientific and medical communities as an effective therapy, and falls into the realm of superstition.
In response, the International Center for Reiki Training in Michigan contended the bishops’ research relied on inaccurate information, cited a number of studies showing the practice is therapeutic and noted that its use as an adjunct therapy in hospitals is growing.
“There’s a big difference between healing and curing,” Freedman noted. “Reiki heals. It may not make cancer go away, but it can heal by helping [patients] have less pain, less side effects from their treatments or medications. All of those things are healing.”
“治療跟療癒有很大的不同” 弗里曼說。”靈氣療癒,它也許無法趕走癌症,但它可以減少在治療當中的疼痛和副作用。所有這些事情都是療癒”。
Thinking about trying Reiki?
- Do not use Reiki as a replacement for proven conventional care, to avoid care or to avoid seeing a doctor.
- 不要用靈氣來替代傳統照護,來避免看醫生或就診。
- Learn about the practitioner’s background, training and experience.
- 了解執行師的背景、訓練和經驗。
- Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use.
- 跟你的衛生保健提供者說你所使用的任何輔助和替代療法。
Qualified practitioners:
Reiki practitioners’ training and expertise vary, and no licensing or professional standards exist. However, Reiki must be learned from an experienced teacher. Usui Reiki has three levels of training. The first two can be learned in a few days; master-level training can take years.
SOURCE: Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine