
More Central Jersey hospitals offering reiki

越來越多新澤西州中部的醫院提供靈氣 下篇 取自 mycentraljersey  (2015.10.20)

Reiki is a gift


Diagnosed in 2010, breast and colon cancer patient, Joyce Erikson, a resident of Bridgewater , who receives reiki and conventional treatment at the Steeplechase Cancer Center, feels that reiki is a “gift that melts away concerns, worries and pain.” Erikson, who has post-surgical, chemo-induced, peripheral neuropathy, (nerve damage in the hands and feet), said that after being treated by this complementary therapy, she has seen an enormous difference in the reduction of her pain due to this condition.


Nancy Cullinan, psychosocial program coordinator at Steeplechase, recruits and manages the complementary programs and encourages patients to have at least one reiki session.


“Initially, many patients are skeptical of trying reiki,” Cullinan said.  “Some have never heard of it before. However, once they try it, they love it. Patients report that it helps relieve tension, anxiety and fear.”

一開始,許多病人對靈氣感到懷疑”” 天璽說,一些人根本沒聽過。然而當他們嘗試過後就愛上它了。病患說它可以舒緩緊張、焦慮和恐懼。

As a social worker, Cullinan explains that reiki, being a mind-body therapy helps restore the balance between the mind, body and soul and it creates in-depth healing on all levels.


“We see more complementary therapies at cancer centers because patients fighting for their life want to maximize their support,” she said. “The medical profession has acknowledged the connection between the body and mind, and its role in our overall health."


“I didn’t know much about it, until I observed one of my lung patients receiving treatment. He was going through anxiety, depression and difficulty sleeping. I could see that it was very helpful to him,” recalled Dr. Kathleen Toomey, medical director at the Steeplechase Cancer Center. “Reiki is a complementary therapy. It is not instead of or replacing standard care. It helps to support the adverse effects of treatment. Also, it instills a sense of hope, a sense of being proactive of doing everything possible to help and a sense of meaning in a tough situation.”

我對它並不瞭解,直到我觀察一個有肺部疾病的病人。他有焦慮、沮喪、難以入睡的症狀,接受療程後有了很大的改善” Steeplechase癌症中心醫務主任,凱瑟琳圖梅博士回憶說靈氣是個輔助療法,並不是要取代正統療法,只是來協助改善這些療法帶來的不利影響。此外,幫助人們在困境中,灌輸進希望,及積極主動的做任何可能可以有幫助的事情。


 Reiki has become an increasingly popular complementary therapy for cancer patients, and it seems particularly effective in treating breast cancer. 


R    Reiki is administered from the practitioner’s gentle, holistic hands to the patient.


       Many practitioners lightly place their hands on various points of the body; others hold their hands just above the body


       People such as Franklin ’s Virginia Ganim swear by the power of Reiki; she believes it helped her discover her breast cancer in 2008.


















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