
More Central Jersey hospitals offering reiki
越來越多新澤西州中部的醫院提供靈氣 上篇 取自 mycentraljersey (2015.10.20)
Her hand glided over her heart and filled the area with heat. Then her hand started to move frantically side to side, and she knew something was not right. A visit to a cardiologist confirmed her heart was fine. However, the hand still moved over the chest, and that is when Virginia Ganim went for a mammogram
她的手滑過她的心臟,且用熱充滿了整個區域。然後她的手開始瘋狂的來回移動,他知道事情不太對勁。心臟病專家證實她的心臟很健康。然而當Virginia Ganim去做胸部X光檢查時,手還放在胸前。
The Franklin resident believes reiki helped to discover her breast cancer in 2008.
“It gave me the edge I needed to detect the cancer in my chest wall,” Ganim said. “I believe reiki saved my life.”
“發現在我胸腔裡的癌症是我人生的轉捩點” Ganim說,”我相信靈氣救了我一命”
Ganim isn’t alone. The centuries-old practice of reiki is becoming an increasingly common complementary therapy in cancer centers across Central Jersey and the rest of the country. Reiki tables could someday become as synonymous of a symbol with the fight against cancer as pink-hued ribbons are with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
What it does
The International Center for Reiki Training defines reiki as “a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.” It is based on the principal that an unseen “life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.”
Reiki is administered from the practitioner’s gentle, holistic hands to the patient. Many practitioners lightly place their hands on various points of the body. Others hold their hands just above the body.
“We are energy beings, and reiki builds up the immune system to fight off disease energetically by pulling out blocks, and channeling in energy,” said Joey Stann, an Edison-based reiki master and teacher. “It is like charging a battery. Reiki is the jumper cables between the Source and the client, and once you are charged, that is when the healing can begin.”
Breast Cancer Awareness Month events in Central Jersey在新澤西州中部乳癌宣傳月活動
Although reiki has been deployed against everything from Alzheimer’s disease to arthritis, at least one of Stann’s clients swears by its effectiveness against breast cancer.
Dr. Karen Munkacy, board certified in anesthesiology and breast cancer survivor, left a message on Stann’s web site saying she could “never repay what you have done for me. I truly believe you have helped save my life. I had advanced breast cancer and now my (doctors) are telling me it has disappeared.”
Karen Munkacy博士,合格的麻醉學專家和乳癌倖存者,在斯坦的網站上留言說,"我永遠無法回報你對我所做的,我深信你救了我一命,我曾患有乳癌末期,而醫生告訴我說它現在完全消失了!!"
Bunny Wilmore, breast cancer survivor and Bridgewater resident, practices reiki at The Steeplechase Cancer Center at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset, in Somerville. Wilmore first learned about this treatment when she was recovering from her mastectomy at Sloan Kettering in 2001.
Bunny Wilmore,布里奇沃特居民和乳癌倖存者,在薩默塞特郡的羅伯特·伍德·約翰遜大學醫院的癌症中心練習靈氣。在薩默維爾,Wilmore第一次接觸這個療程是在斯隆凱特林,2001年的時候,當時她正從乳房切除術中恢復。
“I found reiki in 2002 when I had my first session which led me to become a practitioner,” she said.
During a session, “the recipient lies comfortably on a table (or sitting on a chair) in a darkened room while a healing CD is playing in the background,” she said. “The session is an hour long and begins with eyes closed, focusing on the breath, and with a silent intention as a meditation. When the session ends, the client is very relaxed and does not want to leave the table”.
在療程中,"客人在一個放著療癒音樂的昏暗房間裡舒服的躺在桌上(或坐在椅子上) "她說,"在療程持續的1小時內,我們會請客人閉著眼,專注在呼吸上,什麼東西都不想。當療程結束時,客人會非常放鬆且不想離開桌子。
"Reiki practitioner, Gioconda “Jackie” Chiera, from Annandale works at the Summit-based Overlook Medical Center, Carol G. Simon Cancer Center. Chiera offers reiki to patients in the waiting room.
從安南岱爾來的靈氣執行師Gioconda “Jackie” Chiera,在卡羅爾G.西蒙癌症中心及俯視醫療中心工作,在等候室提供靈氣給病人。
“We have a massage room, but many times we offer reiki to patients in the waiting room before their chemotherapy,” she said. “They say that it helps to make them feel calm, and reduces their anxiety before their conventional treatments.”
She recalls one patient who received reiki for insomnia and after one session, she had “the best sleep since being diagnosed.”
The Steeplechase Cancer Center 提供靈氣服務