Reiki is one of the leading safe Energy Medicine approaches. The study summaries provided by the Center for Reiki Research are the best source for information on Reiki Research.
Reiki is a method of stress reduction that also promotes healing. It is administered by laying-on hands. Lay practitioners have used it for more than 90 years, and its popularity is growing. A study done in 2007 by the National Health Interview Survey indicates that 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children received one or more sessions of energy healing therapy such as Reiki in the previous year. According to the American Hospital Association, in 2007, 15% or over 800 American hospitals offered Reiki as part of hospital services.
靈氣是一種減輕壓力,這也是促進癒合的方法。它是一種使用雙手的療癒方法。非專業醫療的從業人員已經用了超過 90 年,其受歡迎程度日漸增加。2007 年國民健康訪問調查所做的一項研究表明, 120 萬成人和 161,000 兒童曾經接受過一種或多種的能量療癒治療如靈氣等。根據美國醫學協會,2007 年,有15%以上的醫療院所或高於 800 間美國醫院將靈氣治療作為醫院服務的選項之ㄧ。