



Everyday Wellness: Healing with Reiki

日常保健:靈氣療癒 取自ctpostchronicle (2015.9.23)

By Gail Donahue
Submitted Article

The Mayo Clinic staff describes Reiki, pronounced ray key, as “a healing method that promotes relaxation, enhances the body’s natural healing abilities and fosters mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Reiki is based on the idea of an energy field that permeates the human body.”


“Reiki,” they continue “does not replace, but rather is easily integrated with any medical treatment and other therapies to assist in activating a person’s inner healing potential. Reiki is now being used in a growing number of hospitals and clinics throughout the United States and throughout the world.”


Esther Leiva, Reiki practitioner and West Haven resident states that in her practice she channels healing, compassionate, loving energy being received through her to her client, to unblock, clear and to heal.

住在西黑文的靈氣執行師 苡絲‧萊瓦說,他在靈氣過程中扮演著傳導的角色,讓慈悲及愛的能量透過他、來疏通、淨化、療癒她的病人。

“We allow life force energy when we are positive and offer no resistance,” she says. “We are created in a state of wellness. I want to remind people of that.”


Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It works with the 7 most important chakras or energy centers of the body. The chakras, present in different cultural and spiritual traditions, are located along the spine, extending out the front and back of the body.


Each chakra is associated with certain parts of the body and certain organs which is provided with the energy it needs to function. The lower chakras are associated with fundamental emotions and needs. The energies of the upper chakras correspond to our higher mental and spiritual capacities.


The International Center for Reiki Training describes what to expect in a standard treatment. Reiki energy flows from the practitioners hands into the client. The client is usually laying on a massage table and remains fully clothed. The practitioner places her/his hands on or near the client’s body in a series of hand positions.


These include positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and feet. Other, more specific positions may be used based on the client’s needs. Each position is held for three to ten minutes depending on how much Reiki the client needs at each position. The whole treatment usually lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.


Esther creates a comfortable and relaxing environment for her clients to open to the healing offered. There is soft and natural background music, quiet sounds of water trickling, the subtle scent of incense and essential oils that she has on her hands to facilitate healing of specific problem areas. You are free to decline the addition of essential oils





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